Friday, November 10, 2006


I haven't gotten any writing done in days, and my word count can prove it. :( I just have not been able to justify taking time out of schoolwork time to do a non-schoolwork related activity. *sigh* Damn responsibility.

There's a write-in tonight and I really want to go. A friend of ours may/may not be stopping by, and I'd really like to see her if she does stop by, but on the other hand, I don't want to miss the write-in, especially if it turns out she does NOT stop by. What to do?

Hopefully I can make it to the write-in and bump up my word count. OOH! There's also a write-in online tonight. I can do the in-person write-in, come home and do the online write-in! Hooray!

I am off to go procrastinate some more. There's homework to be done...but I'm not doing it (yet)!