Thursday, November 16, 2006

I broke 10k!

I started today with 5,900 words. I now have 10,063 words as of 9:45PM!

Best word count day to date, and I'm not finished writing yet. :D


Its all coming back to me now...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I'm not giving up!

I wrote a post in desperation last night, in which I discussed possibly dropping out of NaNoWriMo this year. I received a lot of nice support, and good perspective, and I'm deciding to stick with it and NOT give up.

To that end, I'm "treating myself" to a half day of nothing but writing. I've gotten a few thousand words so far, and I'm going to write even more in the next 2 hours. I'm excited!

I'll keep you posted.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Friday, November 10, 2006


I haven't gotten any writing done in days, and my word count can prove it. :( I just have not been able to justify taking time out of schoolwork time to do a non-schoolwork related activity. *sigh* Damn responsibility.

There's a write-in tonight and I really want to go. A friend of ours may/may not be stopping by, and I'd really like to see her if she does stop by, but on the other hand, I don't want to miss the write-in, especially if it turns out she does NOT stop by. What to do?

Hopefully I can make it to the write-in and bump up my word count. OOH! There's also a write-in online tonight. I can do the in-person write-in, come home and do the online write-in! Hooray!

I am off to go procrastinate some more. There's homework to be done...but I'm not doing it (yet)!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I'm almost at my personal daily word count goal, and I've exceeded (by a hair) the recommended daily word count goal. I'm very proud of myself. I started today 2,000 words behind, and now I'm so close to par that I can feel it. YAY!

Of course, my homework today has yet to be started. But, its only 9ish PM, I've got time.


Current Word Count: 1,569!

I started this morning with a word count of zero and now its at 1,569! I'm going to keep on going until I hit 4k today. At that point, I can go on to do "responsible" things like homework and cleaning the apartment. ;)

The writing is starting to take shape, at this point. Also, I'm finally starting to get back in the habit of near automatic writing. That is: sitting with fingers poised at keyboard and typing practically whatever pops into my head. Its a great way to get started when writer's block hits. Just write. Its the only way I've found to conquer writer's block. Silly, isn't it. We all have all this angst when writer's block comes. "I can't write anything!" we say. "My mind is blank" we say. But, if we simply just start typing, anything, it doesn't matter what, the grip of the block loosens and we start to get back to our normal selves. This is something I need to remember for the future, because if the past is any indication, the block will come. It always does.

A message of caution

Please people, don't be like me. Back up your work in several forms and do it often!

I have been plagued with evil computer mishaps for several weeks now. The evil computer mishap struck again yesterday. Apparently, while I did not have a computer virus, a hacker (cracker?) of some sort was taking advantage of a vulnerability in my O.S. and flooding my router with something. I'm not sure what as at this point in the discovery process, I was fighting back tears because all of this meant that I had to wipe my hard drive and reinstall windows. Again. Yes, my friends, again. I was *just* starting to get over the distress and damage from the last time I had to do this...and now I had to do it again!

Ok. Now, let me set the stage: My laptop has NO floppy drive! ARGH. We have NO blank CD's lying around (big mistake). I am completely unable to access my router which not only means I am unable to access the internet, but my local network as well, which means there is NO WAY AT ALL to get my writing off my computer and into a safe place. I had no other choice but to wipe my hard drive and say goodbye to my novel. Luckily, I hadn't written a great lot.

So, now my word count is at zero (I spent all day yesterday fixing my computer) and I'm getting ready to fix that. Back up. Back up. Back up!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok, here's the deal...

For the past four hours now, I have been doing everything EXCEPT write...with the exception of a 3 minute period during which I was able to write approximately 200 words. I have already scheduled this evening for my homework...NOT writing, which means I am supposed to be writing NOW. But, I'm not. I'm writing a blog post. I was also organizing my email inbox, creating folders and subfolders, filters and whatnot. That, my friends, is desperation. It is the sign of someone so desperate to procrastinate, that she will super-organize her email. Sheesh. What is wrong with me.
I have waited all year for November 1st so that I could begin writing my NaNo Novel. Now, November 1st is here, and almost over, and I haven't written anything worth mentioning.

I don't have a solution...but if I find one, I will definitely let you know, then promptly patent it so that I can become a billionaire, because, dear readers, procrastination of any sort seems to afflict just about everyone.

This is it!

Today's the beginning of 30 day writing frenzy (thus the title of this blog...) and I'm so excited! No, I haven't gotten any writing done (yet) which is due mainly to a severe lack of coffee in my system. I've been awake for about 2 1/2 hours so far and I've only had half a mug of coffee. Ugh. I'm waking up at breakneck speeds, however, and plan to get some writing done before too long.

Take a look at my nifty live participant icon to the right ---->
Whenever I update my word count at the NaNoWriMo main site, this little icon will also be updated, so you can see my accurate progress. :) Cool, huh?

My computer has been full of trouble lately...mostly caused by a stupid virus (no, the virus wasn't stupid but I feel better by saying that) which nearly destroyed everything on my hard drive. Ugh. Much time has been devoted to petting the computer and telling it everything will be ok and I think its feeling better now. Lets cross our fingers, shall we? (Now is NOT the time to lose a computer!)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Its getting closer

Today is October 23...only 8 more days until NaNoWriMo begins!!! YAY!!! :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

NaNoWriMo 2006 countdown begins!

The new NaNoWriMo site was unveiled sometime while I was asleep last night. When I woke up this morning...there it was! YAY! New icons! New message boards! ITS ALMOST HERE!

Starting November 1st I will begin writing my novel, Saving Cassandra. I will finish it by November 30. 30 days. 50,000 words minimum. Its quite a challenge, but it can be done!