Wednesday, November 01, 2006

This is it!

Today's the beginning of 30 day writing frenzy (thus the title of this blog...) and I'm so excited! No, I haven't gotten any writing done (yet) which is due mainly to a severe lack of coffee in my system. I've been awake for about 2 1/2 hours so far and I've only had half a mug of coffee. Ugh. I'm waking up at breakneck speeds, however, and plan to get some writing done before too long.

Take a look at my nifty live participant icon to the right ---->
Whenever I update my word count at the NaNoWriMo main site, this little icon will also be updated, so you can see my accurate progress. :) Cool, huh?

My computer has been full of trouble lately...mostly caused by a stupid virus (no, the virus wasn't stupid but I feel better by saying that) which nearly destroyed everything on my hard drive. Ugh. Much time has been devoted to petting the computer and telling it everything will be ok and I think its feeling better now. Lets cross our fingers, shall we? (Now is NOT the time to lose a computer!)

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