Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Ok, here's the deal...

For the past four hours now, I have been doing everything EXCEPT write...with the exception of a 3 minute period during which I was able to write approximately 200 words. I have already scheduled this evening for my homework...NOT writing, which means I am supposed to be writing NOW. But, I'm not. I'm writing a blog post. I was also organizing my email inbox, creating folders and subfolders, filters and whatnot. That, my friends, is desperation. It is the sign of someone so desperate to procrastinate, that she will super-organize her email. Sheesh. What is wrong with me.
I have waited all year for November 1st so that I could begin writing my NaNo Novel. Now, November 1st is here, and almost over, and I haven't written anything worth mentioning.

I don't have a solution...but if I find one, I will definitely let you know, then promptly patent it so that I can become a billionaire, because, dear readers, procrastination of any sort seems to afflict just about everyone.

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